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The SmartThings Mobile app allows you to operate your separately acquired SmartThings Hub, which is connected to the various devices for monitoring your own home. Regardless of where you happen to be, you can switch your alarm system on or off, shine or dim lights, adjust motion sensor and observe the house as a whole together with its connected devices. Not only can you carry out checks room by room and device by device but you can also adjust individual settings. It’s a clever solution for all those who travel a lot and are not certain if they’ve remembered to take care of everything.
The benefits at a glance
- Individually configure rooms and devices
- Control important house functions remotely
- High level of comfort

The Magenta Smart Home app from Telekom gives you a simple way to control your home when you are on the move. Heating, lights or alarm systems can be operated quite conveniently from afar. In addition, you can individually pre-programme certain situations, with a coming-home scenario being one such example. One particularly convenient feature: as soon as you are on your way home, the “Home” profile activates automatically. You can conveniently view all the relevant data in the Control Display of your BMW – so that everything is as you want it when you arrive.
The benefits at a glance
- Control important house functions remotely
- More comfort, lower energy costs
- Pre-programme individual scenarios